Tuesday, April 2, 2002

History of my first website 第一代站台更新記錄


Keeping track of the creation of this homepage was intended to provide update information. However, it came out to be somehow like a meta-homepage literature. Am I writing the history for my homepage or for myself? Come here to read the history and me.

Update History


Keeping track of the creation of this homepage was intended to provide update information. However, it came out to be somehow like a meta-homepage literature. Am I writing the history for my homepage or for myself? Come here to read the history and me.




Major Changes



2002/04/02 本站遷址。此處內容停止更新。


This site moved. No future updates will be made here.

前幾年 Internet 的景氣過了。許多提供免費服務的公司皆無法負擔龐大的費用而中止服務。對我來說,比較切身的是 mail.com 的服務條款改變。當初付費購買的「終生帳號」,到今年竟失效了。另外,就是 Yahoo! Geocities 暫停了 FTP 的免費服務。看看這個 update history,能明顯地看出本站經歷了這六年來 Internet 業者的興衰。隨者我個人年齡增長,以及專業上的需要,我決定付費來維持我的個人網站。

The golden age of the internet seems to be a history, which ends at several internet companies' change in their free service. For me, what affect me the most are the termination of the paid permanent mail address at mail.com, and of Yahoo! Geocities' free FTP service. From the update history you are reading now, we can see the rise and fall of this industry in the past six years. Due to my professional need, I decided to pay to maintain my personal site.

2000/03/06 樂流音樂雜誌遷址。


Music Current URL updated.

My Dictionary 我的字典
1999/12/11 增加MIDI曲: "Hooked On Mozart 2".

Add a MIDI, "Hooked On Mozart 2".

Hooked On Mozart 2
1999/11/18 增加版權宣言英文版

English translation of Copyright Statement.

Copyright Statement 版權宣言
1999/10/30 增加電腦文集及兩篇文章

Computer Articles area added. Two new computer articles. Sorry, only Chinese version.

Computer Articles 電腦文集

判斷是否中Pretty Park.exe病毐及解毐法


1999/10/14 去除計數器,並增加更新記事。

Remove the counters and add the update history.


What do those counters mean to me? Are they there for me or for the visitors? I admit that I thought the number of visitors mattered -- I cared how many people shared my articles. However, perhaps because of my age, I pay more attention to those who care about me and what I write. Quality means more to me than quantity. So? Bye bye counters.

1999/10/10 改以子目錄結構管理。

Use subdirectories for hierarchic management.

Geocities 和 Yahoo 合併(併購?),Yahoo大方地把原來限制給付費會員的的子目錄功能開放出來。為了管理方便,當然就跟進囉。

Geocities was bought (or annexed?) by Yahoo, which generously provided subdirectories for free members (originally only for paid members). Why not use them? Here they are.

1998/06/21 增加通訊錄。

Addressbooks added.


Hey pals, we have our own addressbooks on-line! For your privacy, there are no links to these pages. Email me for their URL.

My Addressbook 我的通訊錄

1998/06/09 更正多處字誤。增加電腦相關內容。

Typos corrected. Some computer articles added.

Those Oldies 老機種


1998/05/28 增加選單功能,並加入關於個人的新網頁。

Form menu for navigation. Personal intro added.

About Me 關於作者
1998/05/22 使用小圖示。

Icons used.


As an art idiot, I had always wanted to use all text format, both for my laziness and for those who still use text-based browser (e.g. lynx). However, in the age of 56K bps and X-terminals, can I insist on my purism?

1998/05/19 改以頁框選單方式。

Framed structure used.


New HTML standard released and widely adopted. Why not use it?

1998/05/10 增加較完整的內容及分類。

Better categorization.

Mozart 莫札特
1998/04/24 初版完成。

First version completed.


Only simplest text without any formats properly presented.

1997/12/05 本站誕生。

The birth of this homepage.


The 206th anniversary of Mozart's death is the birthday of this homepage.

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